Healthcare Leadership Excellence

Holiday Episode: Success Leaves Clues

Karl Pister

Success leaves clues…these are the words of my coach and mentor, Paul Martinelli,
which he shared with us in late November. Many of those I work with can produce volumes on what their gaps and failures have been. However, when asked why they have been successful, they use a 3x5 card…

As you go into your holiday breaks, can you dedicate some time to thinking what clues you can see from the successes you have had? And, what can you continue to do, and what have you stopped, just from attrition, that could certainly boost success in 2023? Because, if you don’t catch that, you can anticipate, again in the words of Paul, ‘mass producing what you don’t want’.

I'd also like to take this time to let you know that I have a few openings for coaching services for 2023. Perhaps something to include in your retrospection. Whether you’re newly appointed to an executive position or a seasoned leader in your organization, please reach out if you are interested in working with me next year.

To close: follow the wise words of a superb colleague of mine who said recently, in
anticipation of some challenges in 2023 with a very significant request for her senior leadership, that she was going to be looking for inspiration while on a zip-line in Central America. Don’t underestimate the creative thoughts that such diversions can bring.

Just remember them, note them, and we will talk more in 2023.

Until then, lead well.


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