Healthcare Leadership Excellence
Healthcare Leadership Excellence
Episode 15: Collaborative Relationships with Dr. Chris Bundy
In this episode, I talk with Dr. Chris Bundy, Executive Medical Director, of Washington Physicians Health Program. He shares his journey as president of the Federation of State Physician Health Plans and what he considers his biggest takeaways.
Dr. Bundy speaks about collaborative relationships which is also the highlight of our interview. He believes that in order to collaborate with people, you have to build trust in them. When asked about how to network well with like-minded professionals, he says that he sees it as collaboration and relationship-building rather than networking.
One question that Dr. Bundy answers is “what makes you come alive as a leader?”. He references his Sparketype assessment results as he speaks of the nature of work that he is most engaged in. He shares a powerful statement of “leadership is all about inspiring and exalting others”.
In the later part of the episode, he talks about the proverbial topic of addressing burnout in healthcare professionals. He shares his insight on how taking care of people in the organization yields dividends. Finally, he gives his advice to healthcare professionals who are just starting their careers. Pieces of advice such as adopting an attitude of curiosity, being quick to apologize, and taking responsibility when you screw up.
Thank you, Dr. Bundy for an informative and truly inspiring conversation.
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